четверг, 31 июля 2014 г.

free Spy Mode Camera (4 modes) torrent download

Spy Mode Camera (4 modes)


Download .apk

※Do not use it for any illegal work. It is your own responsibility for using it※

You can pick any camera mode you want and use it!

This camera application has

1. Silent preview mode , black screen mode , internet browser mode , gallery mode.

2. The burst mode that you can set at the settings.

3. The Show/Hide save folder. (that means your own secret folder!!)

4. The zoom, auto focus functions.

This is a silent camera, spy camera.

Do not hesitate downloading it!

If you do not like it, you can get refund in 15 mins.

Download .apk

Since Juno first hit theaters last fall and began talking everyone about Jason Reitman future, we were anxious to find out exactly what would be his next film. He began hints as early as last December that he would not betray the adjustment another book, but the name or any details Spy Mode Camera (4 modes) 1.5 apk free download . Finally he revealed in March that it was similar to Thank You For Smoking, but corporate rather than political. At first everyone thought it could be Max Barry's company, but that was debunked pretty quickly. Well now Latino Review has discovered exclusive, that Jason Reitman adaptation adaptation of the book Up in the Air by Walter Kirn next. Good news? Definitely!

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