CompTIA Security+ SY0-301 Prep
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✔ Practice Questions and Flashcards by Darril Gibson, top selling author of CompTIA certification prep books.
✔ 275 realistic practice questions to help you assess your exam readiness.
✔ Questions include in-depth explanations to help you understand why the correct answers are correct and the incorrect answers are incorrect.
✔ 175 flashcards to help you review important testable concepts.
✔ Amazing interactive user experience. Internet connection not required.
The practice test questions and flashcards are organized in six topics, with a topic dedicated to each of the Security+ domains:
I. Network Security
II. Compliance and Operational Security
III. Threats and Vulnerabilities
IV. Application, Data and Host Security
V. Access Control and Identity Management
VI. Cryptography
Use this app to master the Security+ objectives and be prepared to pass the CompTIA Security+ SY0-301 exam the first time you take it.
About the Author
An accomplished author and professional trainer, Darril Gibson has authored or coauthored more than 30 books including the best-selling CompTIA Security+: Get Certified Get Ahead SY0-301 Study Guide.
He holds many current IT certifications including: CompTIA Security+, A+, Network+, CASP, (ISC)2 SSCP, CISSP, MCDST (XP), MCSA, MCSA Messaging (2000, 2003), MCSE (NT 4.0, 2000, 2003), MCDBA (SQL 7.0, 2000), MCITP (Vista, Server 2008, SQL 2005, SQL 2008), MCTS (Server 2008, SQL Server 2008), MCSD (6.0, .NET), and ITIL Foundations v 3.0. Darril is the CEO of Security Consulting and Training, LLC and actively teaches, writes, and consults on a wide variety of IT topics including CompTIA Security+.
About CompTIA Security+ (
The CompTIA Security+ Certification is a vendor neutral credential. It is an internationally recognized validation of foundation-level security skills and knowledge, and is used by organizations and security professionals around the globe. The CompTIA Security+ exam certifies that the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to identify risk and participate in risk mitigation activities, provide infrastructure, application, operational and information security, apply security controls to maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability, identify appropriate technologies and products, and operate with an awareness of applicable policies, laws and regulations.
CompTIA has added performance based questions to the Security+ exam. Read about them here ( so that they don’t surprise you.
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