воскресенье, 6 июля 2014 г.

download Work Shifts apk free

Work Shifts


Download .apk

Work Shifts is a simple app that allows you to keep track of your work shifts.


-Add, Edit, and Delete Shifts

-Add, Edit, and Delete Preset Shifts

-Add, Edit, and Delete Notes

-Add your schedule for weeks in advance

-Keep your previous schedules

-Highlights the current day

-Easily switch to current week

-Widget that shows next up-coming shift

-Icon Notification allows you to easily switch to app

-Show your pay days

-Show how many hours you work each week

-Change the start day of the week

-Format the date & time

-Backup and Restore the database to the sd card

Download .apk

We promised to keep you updated on the situation of the Danish director Lars von Trier is named persona non grata at the Cannes Film Festival. While there is not much news to report, von Trier himself has been in the press in recent weeks Work Shifts apk free download . He has issued numerous apologies, led some interviews and spoken for and against everything that is happening. I'm not here to debate, if he really apologizes or not, or whether he was really a Nazi or just a big mistake at the press conference, but I decided to responses that answers that von Trier has since he was banned from Cannes last week. - Magnolia Pictures, the distribution melancholia in the U.S. Were also von Trier this statement after the press conference, said pretty much the same: 'If I have hurt someone this morning by the words I said at the press conference I sincerely apologize. I am not anti-Semitic or disadvantaged racist in any way, nor am I a Nazi. To, right? course not, because it discusses an issue forever, or at least until Cannes returns banning von Trier. Kirsten Dunst was the Best Actress Award at Cannes for Melancholia directed by LVT , so congrats to win, but that does not mean that he on on the good side. You know I 'm the 55th Perhaps this is a midlife Crisis - I got my first tattoo (the letters fuck on the fingers of my right hand proud of proud of this tattoo when I 'm out of the movie '.

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